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S.H.I.N.E. Your Talk

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This book, S.H.I.N.E. Your Talk, aims to strengthen your leadership and influence at work, speak up with confidence, address sticky situations, and build trusted relationships. I pray that you will lead with confidence and influence people in diverse situations by learning the biblical and practical tools in this book.

Each chapter will show you how to S.H.I.N.E. through: 

  • Speak with S.I.N.C.E.R.E., 8C, R.E.A.S.O.N., P.R.E.P.A.R.E. to Lead Up, S.O.A.R., 1on1 meeting 
  • Hear, reflect, C.L.E.A.N.S., R.E.L.A.T.E. with others' diverse input 
  • Inquire with good questions toward solutions, 7B, C.R.I.S.P., G.L.O.W., S.T.E.P. 
  • Nurture assertive persuasion in conflict resolution, Non-Violent Communication 
  • Empathy in ABCDE building trusted relationship, Art of 8Q Leadership 



Elaine Kung, Hong Kong-born Elder Elaine graduated from Cornell University with an undergraduate degree and Princeton University graduate school, majoring in Electrical Materials Engineering. She served in various technical and business leadership positions at AT&T before retiring in 2017. She and her husband are passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and workplace missions, serving as Sunday School teachers, deacons, deacon board presidents, and church elders, and in 1996 founded the Called To Work workplace missions ministry to encourage people to enjoy and experience God's presence in the workplace. In addition, she has received several industry honors such as the All American Minority Women's Career Achievement Award, Outstanding Business Woman, and Most Dynamic Executive.

Currently, Elaine is the Chairperson of the Chinese Board of Directors of the Theology of Work Project, a board member and advisor to 8 international organizations and seminaries, including the Association of Christ's Ambassadors, Wafo, Lausanne, and serves as an instructor for churches, workplaces, seminaries, business schools, and international ministries. During the peak of the epidemic there were more than twenty 1-to-1 supervisions and more than thirty lectures per month to help people integrate faith in work, leadership, and family relationships, to make an impact, and to live out a whole life of missionary discipleship in the workplace. She has established a global team of bi-vocational ministry mentors, and is the author of "A Life of Three Whole Lives", "Energy Management for Workplace Masters", "Octopus for Workplace Communication", "Workplace Mission", etc. Elder Elaine has a happy three-generation family living in California, U.S.A. She is also the author of the book "The Life of Three Whole Lives". 


1. Introduction

2. Overview of S.H.I.N.E. 

3. The Meaning of Work 

4. Honoring Jesus at Work 

5. Growing a High Emotional Quotient (EQ) 

6. Sticky Situation 1: Overloaded by Your Boss 

7. Sticky Situation 2: Criticized by Your Boss 

8. Prepare for One-on-One Meetings with Your Boss 

9. Sticky Situation 3: Credit Stolen, Not Recognized 

10. Sticky Situations 4 & 5: Work Overload; Input Ignored 

11. Building Up Leadership and Communication Skills 

12. P.R.E.P.A.R.E. to Lead Up 

13. Eleven Different Boss Types 

14. The Significance of Lead Up 

15. Effective Ways of Communications with Your Boss




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